
The (Near) Death of Chivalry

If you know me well then you know it is not uncommon for me to use the commonly heard phrase "Chivalry is dead." However, this is not entirely true. You may not see it in industrial America, but out here in the woods, it's easy to see. I admit to sometimes using this phrase in reference to my frustration with members of the opposite sex. This is wrong of me, and I'll explain why.

It's the small things, really. Just the other day I boarded the crowded bus and was prepared to stand the entire drive home when a man offered up his seat to me so that I could sit. Every day I see boys holding the doors for girls when they enter or exit a building. There are entire organizations devoted to random acts of kindness. I recommend dropping the mindset that there are zero human beings left who have a single kind bone in their body. I know I'll do my best to try : )

Things I'm looking forward to this weekend:
  • Having the bird delivered for lunch tomorrow afternoon with J!! They can't stop that service without us using it first.
  • Spending sixteen hours of my life around a crazy bunch of performing artsy people (who are super incredible!)
  • Sleeping all day Saturday
  • Gene Kelly movie marathon with a completely different set of incredible people including but not limited to B and H
  • Sunday School!! / Choir!! / Service!!
  • Ensemble rehearsal with an even more awesome set of people!
  • K COMING TO VISIT!!!!!!!!!

Witticism of the Day: Living alone sounds like fun (singing at the top of your lungs with no one around to hear, dancing like a moron with no one around to judge you, sitting around dressed in the bare minimum), but if you're skirmish, keep in mind that the tigers come at night. Live with a close personal friend that will dance like a crazy person with you, sing at the top of their lungs along with you, and won't mind your weird dressing habits.

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