If the weather's getting cooler and your schedule is filling up so that you have no time to yourself then you know it's October. I know it's not just me who feels this way. High school students are busy with football season or their respective activities (but we all know they revolve around the football season anyway), parents of students are busy driving them around everywhere they need to be and supporting their children in any way they can, college kids are revolving their schedules around football.
The thing is, it's not the football that fills up the month. It's the activites. There's something important every weekend and you have to pick and choose or you get to be the social butterfly of the season trying to get around to everything. I'm the type that likes to make an appearance at everything I can, but I don't like to miss out so I stay as long as I can. My advice is to pick your activities and be sure to schedule some time to yourself so that you don't lose your mind completely. November's just around the corner, so take heart.
Witticism of the Day: Naps are not just for children. They're fantastic, and you should have one tomorrow. You'll love it; I promise.
naps are fabulous :)