Let me begin my explanation of this justified future purchase by relating a story that I have from today. When the third graders changed classes today they found their desks and then proceeded to ask me my least favorite yet most anticipated question from young people: Are you married? Of course, I responded in the contrary to which one child responded "Would you like to be?" which would have tickled me if the entire class wasn't on my nerves. (Side note: I really hope someone hires me so I don't have to teach for a living. It's so not my thing.) Anyway, they proceeded to explain to me that I must be married because I was wearing a ring. I didn't feel like engaging 20 eight year olds in a complex monologue about the reason I wear a ring on the finger I hope to eventually wear two completely different rings on that symbolize two different things.
Which leads me to the ring I currently wear there. When I was 12 our youth group went through the True Love Waits curriculum. At the time, I was completely obtuse as to what exactly everything we were discussing meant. However, as time passed I became more and more committed to fulfilling the promise I made as part of the program. I was wearing about three rings at the time already on specific fingers, so I chose to have my ring fitted for an index finger. I knew what the ring symbolized and my parents did (as they bought it for me as a reward for committing to the promise to abstain), but the ring was very nonspecific. It was just a simple band that I liked as I browsed the store. As the years progressed, I ceased wearing the ring on a regular basis due to the finger I had it fitted for and my lack of desire to wear it there. However, as I watched more and more of my friends go down the same road, I found it was time for me to be more vivid with my belief on this subject.
This led me to go have the ring resized so I could wear it on the finger that would help most symbolize the promise. Then I realized how subtle the implication is if you're unfamiliar with my personality, and I started seeing other people wearing this:
Since I finally have enough for this (thank you random $25 coupon sent for no apparent reason), I'll be making the purchase soon. It will not replace the one I currently wear since this is the symbol I chose and I stand by it even if I find it too subtle these days. It will mearly supplement it on a neighboring finger so as to make a statement to those around me.
I will not cave on this. The end.
Witticism of the Day: Threatening to do something multiple times will only get you a temporary fix. If you intend on doing something, just do it. Don't be the boy who cried wolf.
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