

Here's a list of things that made me smile today:
  • Two boys walking out of a test were discussing their apprehension that there was a long string of A's on the scantron. Boy A asks Boy B if he had the same strain and when the answer was yes both boys felt much better. This made me smile because I know everyone does the exact same thing after this happens to them. Thank you S.A.T. prep teaching you that you'll never have a string of more than three of the same letter.
  • DANCE ON BROADWAY! There are several reasons why this game is the greatest ever: choreographed routines that mimic the actual dances you would see on stage or in film adaptations, avatars dressed in costumes resembling that which you would find on stage or in the film adaptations, lyrics so you can sing while you dance, and the fact that there's a game for the wii related to Broadway musicals. This is an excellent workout, although it will be an even better workout when the outside world can no longer see directly in and watch me make a fool of myself.
  • The weather here in the woods was absolutely perfect today. The sun was shining, the temperature was mild, and there was a slight breeze to top it all off. If I hadn't had class then I would have gone to a park somewhere and laid down for a while.
  • It was Tuesday which means dance to all the cool kids I know. We had a great lesson; our beginners are looking great, and we took care of a lot of business. I can't wait for our Halloween lesson so I can see everyone's costumes!
  • There was a social dinner. It's always great to get out in public with some of your favorite people and stuff your face while simultaneously making the rest of the individuals at your chosen food establishment wish they had chosen a different place to dine because your conversations carry across the entire building. This also means there was lots of picking on others and being picked on in return. Don't worry, though, because it's all playful and out of love for each other. What will I do when I can't see these people on a regular basis?!
And there you have it. Tomorrow I'll upload a picture of the completed microphone along with my how-to guide so you can make your own (or run away screaming).

Witticism of the Day: There's nothing more sublime than playing in the rain when it's light and there's no thunder involved. Beware of the following, however: Make sure you're not wearing white on top, and be prepared for the impending cold that will plague you after.

Christmas in October

Since I have nothing relevant to say tonight, I thought I'd share my Christmas list thus far with you. Feel free to buy everything on the list and then some. I also accept cash and euros...and plane tickets to Paris.

At the top of the list this year is BILLY ELLIOT!! No, not the child, not the movie (although it does have the greatest line ever...) the MUSICAL! My family has expressed their desire to not see this particular show, but it won't stop me from asking for tickets because I know plenty of people who have expressed desire to go with me. Top two reasons to see this show: BRITISH CHILDREN and the most fantastic score everrrr (well, not really, but it's super good).

Below this on the list is Disney Sing It Family Hits! We've been saying for two years that we would totally rock a game like this if it ever came out and then somehow it slipped under the radar (SIDENOTE: I CAN HEAR OUT OF MY LEFT EAR FOR THE FIRST TIME IN DAYS...thank you acute bronchitis or something).

Then there's the unrealistic desire to own the most beautiful mixer on the planet; you know the one. Your mom has it, your grandmother has it, your best friend's mom has it, your next door neighbor has it. I want it. Too bad it costs half as much as my purse.

Lastly, in honor of Billy Elliot, I'd like to request the coolest running shorts on the planet. I'll pick up a pair at the show (I mean performance).

Witticism of the Day: If you're seeing someone who makes you feel like anything less than a princess then you should move on with your life and wait for the one who'll make you feel better than anyone else ever has before.


The How-To's of Public Transportation

Many of you, like me, use a form of public transportation on a daily basis. Recently, I've been noticing some trends on the bus and decided to share my thoughts here.

To drivers: You are greatly appreciated, so please do not take any offense at these tidbits. However, I have a few things to discuss with you.
  1. Older gentlemen, I know you've been driving that bus for (x^4) years and know this route like the back of your hand, but please keep in mind that you are strapped in while the rest of us are not. Take those turns gently, and don't slam into the back of that UPS truck or we WILL find out what Brown can do for us...and we won't like it.
  2. Cowfolk, I understand we're out in the woods here and you need some music on to stay entertained, but please turn your Country down to a respectible decible that won't deafen and simultaneously teach the riders how to leave your wife.
  3. Young ladies at the scheduled stop waiting for time to continue on with the route, I know this counts as your break, but please text inconspicuously. When you text noticeably, it makes me feel like you'll be doing the same as you drive, jeopardizing my well-being.
To other riders: We could have been friends, but all of you that I don't know that climb aboard and choose to stand rather than sit by me hurt my feelings, so now I'm going to tell you why else we can't be friends.
  1. It's still summer here in the woods, so please make friends with the following two things: BATHS AND DEODORANT. We're not in Italia; going without either and/or both does NOT fly.
  2. To the person on the phone, just because the person on the other end isn't right next to you, this doesn't mean you need to talk loud enough for them to hear you without the phone. If you need to speak this loudly, please tell the person you'll call them back or wait for the next bus to come around after you get off the phone.
  3. And lastly, my favorites, the groups of people who ride together and have conversations above the rest of the typical bus noise. I understand it's easy to get animated when conversing about something you feel strongly about, but the majority of you just gossip. Loudly. I feel dirty after hearing about all the things your friend did when she had a few too many last weekend. Please keep other people's business to a minimum decible.
P.S. I got my supplies for the bedazzled microphone (yet another reason why I need a Bedazzler...add that to the Bedazzler tally we have running). Construction of said microphone will begin this evening as Sambagirl and I watch Vampire Diaries. I'll keep you posted as we go.

Witticism of the Day: No matter how hard you try, you WILL end up spending more than you budgeted in your local craft store. Aim low to avoid gasping when the cashier announces to the store how much you spent.


My Crafty Side

When I finally got to lay down last night, my gears were turning like crazy. This led me to land on a not-so-random-yet-seemingly-random thought about what to wear for the costume contest at the retreat I'll be attending next weekend. Being a cheap, almost-broke college student, I mentally scanned my closet to figue out what I had to work with. Then it hit me.

Hannah Montana. (Another juvenille thought, yes, but I'm not quite ready to give up my love of Disney.) I've got a great outfit, so all I need are accessories. But what's Hannah without that fabulous blinged-out microphone from the end of the feature-length film?! Going back to the statement about my cheap ways, I began to ponder how I could form this microphone for the least amount of money possible. Sure, I could purchase a cheap karaoke microphone and glue things to it, but where's the creativity there?

So here's my recipe for a bedazzled accessory every girl at the retreat will be jealous of (and probably five year olds everywhere as well):
  1. Glue (We don't have any here, sadly.)
  2. One medium sized styrofoam ball
  3. Silver glitter
  4. One black tube/rod of sorts (I'm hoping when I stumble on this ingredient in the store it will jump out at me as the obvious choice. I only hope this isn't a literal attack, as I would likely be scarred for life.)
  5. Last, but so far from least, one to two packages (depending on said tube/rod side) of multicolored beads/jewels
We can only hope this doesn't end in tears. I'll keep you posted. I'm hoping no one at the retreat discovers my true identity behind the wig, but we all know I'll end up ripping it off before the end of the night until a creepy little girl tells me to go on being Hannah.

Witticism of the day: I know walking the Ancient Roman roads in sandals like Paul did all those thousands of years ago sounds like the most sublime thing ever, but heed my warning. Those $7.50 Charlotte Russe flip flops you searched high and low for tear up a lot faster when you wear them out in Italy.


Shall We Dance?

Most people get excited when Tuesday comes because it marks an end to their Monday blues. I, however, get excited for Tuesdays for a completely different reason.

First off, it's noon and I'm still trying to decide what to wear to class. This does pose a problem, though, because I always dress up on Tuesdays. Which brings us to point two of why Tuesdays are fantastic.

Dance. It's essential to being happy and healthy in my opinion. I've been dancing since I was six years old, but I discovered the joys of ballroom when I began my college career. Here are my top reasons why everyone should at the very least dabble in ballroom:
  1. The BEST way to socialize with your friends is by conversing while twirling around the floor.
  2. Exercise (if you're doing it right...and even if you're just doing it for fun, at least you're up and moving around)
  3. Learning to do new moves teaches you to think critically.
  4. You become more graceful and poised. While this sounds awful to most men, you should know that ladies like their men to be slightly less clumsy than they start off.
  5. Attending monthly dances in your community gives you an opportunity to dress up. This gives ladies an excuse to buy that new dress you thought you'd never wear anywhere.
  6. Knowing some moves that look really awesome to everyone watching you at your prom or high school reunion or any other formal event.
  7. Being around a ballroom crowd introduces you to new people who are perhaps more classy than your usual crowd. (I'm by no means saying that people who don't dance aren't classy or that all people who dance are classy. All I mean is that you can make a new group of friends to spend the evening with a classy air about you.)
  8. For Ladies: You get to twirl around and feel really flirty (and this presents the opportunity to buy that circle skirt you really want...just remember your bloomers)!
  9. For Gentlemen: You get to hold your special lady close, or you get to meet new ladies and hold them close, depending on your current state of relationship status.
  10. Lastly, it's the most fun you will EVER have. I guarantee it.
Now I must go learn about Econometrics. It sounds terrifying, but so far it's a really interesting subject.

Witticism of the Day: Productivity is great, but sometimes you need to just sleep in, wake up slowly, eat lunch before noon, listen to your music really loud, dance around while applying your makeup, get dressed up really cute, and then go to Walmart for no apparent reason. Beware, though, you'll find that DVD you've been wanting in the $5 bin and end up spending the rest of your day at home after you put in all that effort to get ready.

Fancy Meeting You Here

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging! I hope you'll stick with me, at least for a while. For this introductory post, I'd like to describe what I'll be using this outlet for.

First and foremost, I'll be posting my thoughts, random though they may be, in hopes that you share my outlook on life. I'm currently in my senior year of college, so I'm also hoping that you'll all be with me, watching me transform completely from a young woman to a fully prepared woman of the real world.

I anticipate many references sneaking their way into the posts, including but not limited to, Broadway references, television references, ballroom references, math references, family and friend references, etc. To be safe, however, all names and places of real people will be edited (and in saying this you should recognize a Gossip Girl reference...yes, I do hope to outgrow my juvenille taste in literary fiction, and yes, I did devote my summer to reading the entire 17 novel series).

I hope to post as often as possible, although my schedule is quite demanding currently. It's not always easy to be a princess (another juvenille reference, although I do hope I never outgrow this one...and to be frank, I am a princess of the King of Kings).

Witticism of the day: Every girl in her middle school years should own a copy of Superchic[k]'s Regeneration. Yes, it may be a little heavy for girls who are used to the poppy sounds of the secular radio, however, the messages of these songs are essential for girls in this age group to learn during their most impressionable years. I guarantee that these songs aided in my development into the young lady I am today.

Current apple of my eye: