I don't have much to discuss or even a theme that's been running through my head that I can share with you all. I've been incredibly busy this past week and the week before.
I saw Mamma Mia three times this week (although I should have volunteered for positions outside of the theater two of those nights because once is really more than enough in my opinion.) Let's discuss why I don't think this is an appropriate show.
- The music of ABBA was never meant to be turned into a musical (unlike American Idiot which Green Day fully intended to be turned into such). I find that most of the show thoroughly confuses me as to the interpretation of the song with the surrounding dialogue. It feels like more often than not the show is a bunch of unrelated dialogue and the actors sporadically burst into a disco number just for kicks. And while we're on the topic of random disco numbers, did anyone else ever notice just how many of ABBA's songs have innuendo hidden behind every word or did the creators of the show just decide it would work to their advantage to spin the lyrics this way?
- The entire premise of the show is that the mother was so loose in her youth that she had escapades with three men resulting in the lack of knowledge of who the father of her child is. Now, I know this is one of those things that popular culture has taught us all to accept as something that happens all the time, but I refuse to accept this. It makes my skin crawl. Such things were not meant to be observed outside of marriage and I'm pretty sure the script never so much as hinted at the fact that she was married to all three within the course of what I'm assuming had to be just a few weeks, so I'm pretty sure my disdain with this major detail of the show has a firm foundation. And you may be going...gracious, this girl is so uptight. You'd be incorrect in that assumption; I simply have a moral base. You must be lacking some.
- I saw many young children being brought to the performances as a special treat for them. While I am an avid supporter of raising our children to love musical theater, I believe this is a terrible choice for one to expose such a young mind to. Not only are the lyrics slightly to fully dirty, the choreography at points was also equally raunchy. While the music is fun, I don't really think you want your children to be singing some lyrics like "Voulez Vous?" or "Lay all your love on me" etc.
Witticism of the Day: Shoot for the stars; you never know how high you'll land. Lame, yes. True, yes.